Portmore New Testament Church of God





The family is regarded as the cornerstone of society. Even so, our families are facing fierce and unprecedented challenges that may threaten their very existence. Something needs to be done to stem the tide of the mayhem in family life.

Family Life Ministries recognizes the general needs of families and pledge its’ continued support in the areas of Parenting, Singleness, Aging and the elderly and matters pertaining to Love and Marriage.


The aim of the National Family Life Ministries is to provide enrichment, prevention and treatment programs for Elderly/Aging, Married Couples, Parents and Children and Singles for the Laity and Clergy of the Denomination. The programs will have six components — outreach, worship, fellowship, discipleship, service, stewardship. (Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Ministries)

Photo by Any Lane from Pexels

parenting ministry

Parenting ministries serve to cater to the wide ranges of security needs those parents within the church and the community has. ( Many of the children from our church are from homes where the parents have no commitment to the church so a parenting ministry provides an opportunity to reach out to these parents)

man embracing her lovely wife

married couple ministry


“Building healthy marriages on the foundation of biblical standards through the provision of practical solutions.”

Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

senior citizen's club

These are grouping of elderly citizens within a particular geographical area. They represent the council’s main trust for mobilizing elderly persons.
They meet regularly and members are provided with opportunities for mental stimulation, social integration, recreation, the provision of community service and involvement in income earning activities e.g. Hand craft and culinary art. Food supply and home visits are also integral functions.

singles ministry

Singles ministries, serve to address the varied physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the singles (wither by choice or circumstances) of our denomination.
The persons within this group consist of persons in your church 18 and over who are never married| Persons who are divorced| Widowed/widower as well as Separated from there spouse.