Money Management for the Christian Family

If money is causing tension in your family, consider this three-step plan. (Article by Walter Moodie with Glen Hoos,
 In his day, John D. Rockefeller was one of the richest men in the world. For all practical purposes, his money was virtually limitless. Once, an interviewer asked him, “How much money is enough?” Rockefeller replied, “Just a little bit more!”As outrageous as it sounds, haven’t we all been there? Whatever our income level, we think to ourselves, If only I had just a little bit more… Then, at last, our budget would have some breathing room and we will be satisfied with our finances. But Rockefeller’s response pokes a hole in that theory. The truth is, control over money has less to do with how much we make, and a lot more to do with how we manage what we have. Financial health is important not only to our bank balance but to the atmosphere in our home. More marriages have blown apart over financial issues than almost any other factor. We need to recognize that managing money is a spiritual issue. Did you know that Jesus spoke more about money than He did about any other topic? In fact, 15% of all the recorded words of Jesus are on the subject of money—more than His teachings on heaven and hell combined. Why did money matter so much to Jesus? To Jesus, our attitude towards money is of utmost importance, because it is a reflection of our attitude towards God. As Larry Burkett said, “You can tell more about the spiritual lives of a couple by looking at their checkbook than by anything else.”Everything we have comes from God. He owns it, and He entrusts it to us to use for His purposes. True financial success comes [ more here]